Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology
One of the largest and best universities in Poland. For years, we have been educating the next generations of engineers and others, and conducting important research, mainly in the field of technical sciences. The Warsaw University of Technology is based on two pillars: teaching and research.
The Faculty of Architecture is one of the oldest faculties at the Warsaw University of Technology. It was established in 1915 as the first modern architectural college in Poland, its first dean being Józef Pius Dziekoński. The Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology is one of the nine state schools of architecture in Poland.
With approximately 1,200 students and a staff of 140 academic teachers, including 20 professors, the Faculty is one of the largest centres of learning and teaching in the field of architecture and urban planning in the country, and through its numerous foreign contacts and the noticeable participation of its graduates in world architecture - also on an international scale.